HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.This is used to design web pages. It is first developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990.There are three types of HTML: transitional, strict, and frameset.To learn more about HTML W3school is the best place.

< head > < /head > include style,title,metadata
< body > < /body > include information of page
< p > < /p > defines paragraph
< b > < /b > define bold text
< del < /del > used to cut info
< br > < /br > used to break the line
< pre > < /pre > show same as we define
< em > < /em > shows emphasised text
< h1 >...< h6 > used to define headings as per the importance
< hr > < /hr > used to underline the text
< img > < /img > used to show image on web page
< ul > < /ul > used to show unodered list
< ol > < /ol > used to show odered list
< li > < /li > used to show list
< iframe > < /iframe > defines an inline iframe
< table > < /table > defines a table
< th > < /th > defines header cell in the table
< td > < /td > defines a cell in a table
< style > < /style > Defines style information for a document
< div > < /div > Defines a section in a document
< style > < /style > Defines style information for a document
< style > < /style > Defines style information for a document
< style > < /style > Defines style information for a document
< style > < /style > Defines style information for a document